How to use silences during your pitch?

Heart palpitations, hands shaking, sweaty palms…

Those can be signs of nervousness when giving an important presentation… but what do you fear the most when presenting?

1. Forgetting your content?
2. Looking nervous / insecure?
3. Not being understood?
4. Silences?

Fear is absolutely normal when speaking publicly. It’s part of the game, it’s what gives you adrenaline. However, when it becomes deeper anxiety, that’s when you need to do something about it. The good news is that you can decrease pressure with a good preparation.

If it’s silences you fear the most, don’t panic 😉 I’m here to help. Contrary to what one may think, silences are CRUCIAL elements to your pitch. In this video, I share 4 different moments when you can use silences to maximise your impact:

Intentional silences can trick your brain as well as your audiences’ brains. They help you 1. breathe 2. focus and 3. they give the impression that you are in control.